We are looking for qualified employees, who drive our company forward with their specialist knowledge and commitment.
We offer the right conditions with diverse and interesting tasks as well as good career prospects and a comfortable working environment.
Showing 1 to 15 of 99 Jobs
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CompanyEG NV/SACountry/RegionBEFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentCompanyEG NV/SACountry/RegionBEFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentCompanyEG NV/SACountry/RegionBEFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Permanent
Title Project Manager ITCompanyEG S.p.A.CityMilanCountry/RegionITFull-time / Part-timeA tempo pieno F.T.Fix-term / PermanentTempo indeterminatoTitle Project Manager ITCompanyEG S.p.A.Country/RegionITFull-time / Part-timeA tempo pieno F.T.Fix-term / PermanentTempo indeterminatoTitle Project Manager ITCompanyEG S.p.A.Country/RegionITFull-time / Part-timeA tempo pieno F.T.Fix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Tempo indeterminato
Title Qualified Person (QP)CompanyCentrafarm Services B.V.CityBredaCountry/RegionNLFull-time / Part-timeFulltimeFix-term / PermanentOnbepaalde tijdTitle Qualified Person (QP)CompanyCentrafarm Services B.V.Country/RegionNLFull-time / Part-timeFulltimeFix-term / PermanentOnbepaalde tijdTitle Qualified Person (QP)CompanyCentrafarm Services B.V.Country/RegionNLFull-time / Part-timeFulltimeFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Onbepaalde tijd
CompanyLaboratorio STADA, S.L.CitySant Just Desvern (Barcelona)Country/RegionESFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentCompanyLaboratorio STADA, S.L.Country/RegionESFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentCompanyLaboratorio STADA, S.L.Country/RegionESFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Permanent
CompanySTADA M&DCityBucharestCountry/RegionROFull-time / Part-timeNormă întreagăFix-term / PermanentPerioadă determinatăCompanySTADA M&DCountry/RegionROFull-time / Part-timeNormă întreagăFix-term / PermanentPerioadă determinatăCompanySTADA M&DCountry/RegionROFull-time / Part-timeNormă întreagăFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Perioadă determinată
CompanyUAB STADA BalticsCountry/RegionLTFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentCompanyUAB STADA BalticsCountry/RegionLTFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentCompanyUAB STADA BalticsCountry/RegionLTFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Permanent
Title Key Account HospitalCompanySTADA M&DCityBucharestCountry/RegionROFull-time / Part-timeNormă întreagăFix-term / PermanentPerioadă determinatăTitle Key Account HospitalCompanySTADA M&DCountry/RegionROFull-time / Part-timeNormă întreagăFix-term / PermanentPerioadă determinatăTitle Key Account HospitalCompanySTADA M&DCountry/RegionROFull-time / Part-timeNormă întreagăFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Perioadă determinată
CompanyHemofarm A.D.Country/RegionRSFull-time / Part-timepuno radno vremeFix-term / PermanentZaposleni sa ugovorom na neodređeno vremeCompanyHemofarm A.D.Country/RegionRSFull-time / Part-timepuno radno vremeFix-term / PermanentZaposleni sa ugovorom na neodređeno vremeCompanyHemofarm A.D.Country/RegionRSFull-time / Part-timepuno radno vremeFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Zaposleni sa ugovorom na neodređeno vreme
Title Brand ManagerCompanySTADA M&DCityBucharestCountry/RegionROFull-time / Part-timeNormă întreagăFix-term / PermanentPerioadă determinatăTitle Brand ManagerCompanySTADA M&DCountry/RegionROFull-time / Part-timeNormă întreagăFix-term / PermanentPerioadă determinatăTitle Brand ManagerCompanySTADA M&DCountry/RegionROFull-time / Part-timeNormă întreagăFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Perioadă determinată
Title District ManagerCompanyStada Pharm sp. z o.o.Country/RegionPLFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentTitle District ManagerCompanyStada Pharm sp. z o.o.Country/RegionPLFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentTitle District ManagerCompanyStada Pharm sp. z o.o.Country/RegionPLFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Permanent
Title Medical RepresentativeCompanyStada Pharm sp. z o.o.Country/RegionPLFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentFix-termTitle Medical RepresentativeCompanyStada Pharm sp. z o.o.Country/RegionPLFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentFix-termTitle Medical RepresentativeCompanyStada Pharm sp. z o.o.Country/RegionPLFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Fix-term
CompanyHemofarm A.D.Country/RegionRSFull-time / Part-timepuno radno vremeCompanyHemofarm A.D.Country/RegionRSFull-time / Part-timepuno radno vremeCompanyHemofarm A.D.Country/RegionRSFull-time / Part-timeSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.puno radno vreme
Title Customer Service ExpertCompanyEG S.p.A.CityMilanCountry/RegionITFull-time / Part-timeA tempo pieno F.T.Fix-term / PermanentTempo indeterminatoTitle Customer Service ExpertCompanyEG S.p.A.Country/RegionITFull-time / Part-timeA tempo pieno F.T.Fix-term / PermanentTempo indeterminatoTitle Customer Service ExpertCompanyEG S.p.A.Country/RegionITFull-time / Part-timeA tempo pieno F.T.Fix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Tempo indeterminato
Title IT Business PartnerCompanyBritannia Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Country/RegionGBFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentTitle IT Business PartnerCompanyBritannia Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Country/RegionGBFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentTitle IT Business PartnerCompanyBritannia Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Country/RegionGBFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Permanent
CompanyStada Pharm sp. z o.o.Country/RegionPLFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentCompanyStada Pharm sp. z o.o.Country/RegionPLFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentPermanentCompanyStada Pharm sp. z o.o.Country/RegionPLFull-time / Part-timeFull-timeFix-term / PermanentSelect with space bar to view the full contents of the job information.Permanent